Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Tuesday

Positive Quote Of The Day:
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."
- Albert Einstein

As you can probably see, I have been changing things around. I haven't quite figured out a layout that I love yet so the changes will probably continue until I do.

Healthy You Challenge:
I joined the Healthy You Challenge last night. This is a community of bloggers who want to lose weight, get fit, and maintain a healthy life style. Members can share their ups, downs, and all-arounds throughout their journey to improve their health. At the beginning of my weight loss journey, I had 50lbs to shed to fit in to my wedding gown. As of right now I'm down to 43lbs left. Last Friday, I made a meal plan for the whole week. All of the meals are fairly healthy and homemade. This has kept us from eating out and it seems as though our waistlines and wallets are quite a bit happier.

Wedding Stuff:
I know I already have my dress but I found this dress by Jim Hjelm last night.

I know its a little hard to see the details but I LOVE this dress. If I didn't already have my dress and if I had the money I would totally snatch this dress up faster than you can imagine. Here is a link to a his website if you are interested in getting a better look. jlmcouture.com

Last night I made a healthy beef and veggie stew. It was really good and the best part is we will have leftovers for a few days.

The Picture isn't all that great but it was delicious.

I also made banana, raspberry, and blueberry bran muffins. As usual this is a recipe from annieseats.com and it was super simple and tasty. There is no sugar in these muffins and they are made with bran so they are really healthy.
This recipe is a winner and I will be making them often.

Last week I stumbled upon the website ziplist.com. This is a website where you can store your recipes and make your grocery list. You can click on your stored recipes and it will add all of the ingredients to a grocery list that is put in the order of the layout of your local store. I tried it out last week and it was so efficient and it cut my shopping time in half. Also, there is a feature where you can have your list sent to your mobile device. This site is pretty cool you should check it out. zip list

Job Stuff:
I'm really excited to go to work tomorrow. It will be the first day where we will actually be working instead of watching orientation videos. The very first shipment of stock will be arriving tomorrow morning and we will be able to make the store look like a real store instead of an empty warehouse. I'm really excited to see all of the product but, I'm even more excited to work with and get to know my fellow teammates.

Have A Happy Night

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